Women’s Day 2021

Image credit: Unsplash

From October 06 to October 07, 2021, we met for the first Women’s Day in the women’s circle of the RTG WisPerMed in Bochum.

The aim was an exchange about individual experiences as a woman in science, e.g. with discrimination, the effect of stereotypes as well as the sense and purpose of gender-appropriate language. In particular, the reports on the experiences of successful female career paths revealed interesting perspectives.

To conclude the first day, we watched the movie “Picture a Scientist - Women of Science”. In line with the topics of the workshop, the film is about women in science based on case studies from the last 20 years, who were exposed to discrimination from the very beginning in the course of their professional development and led a constant struggle for recognition, respect and equal rights. More info on the film can be found here: https://mindjazz-pictures.de/filme/picture-a-scientist/.

In conclusion, many exciting ideas for further workshops and activities of the RTG for the next year emerged, which will be further prepared in small groups.
